The organizing committee for the IAAF World Championships Daegu 2011 held a closing ceremony of the Championships at Daegu Stadium after ending the evening session of competition on the last day.
The past nine-days were like passing scenes in a drama. Especially, I would never forget the last closing ceremony. So, I want to share the great experiences of Sep 4 with you.
After ending the evening session, approximately 1,500 officials/volunteers entered the stadium in rows.
Along the way, DJ Koo and Park Mi Kyung started the show like gangbusters in the middle of the stadium.
When their fantastic performance was over, the film compiled from highlights of the best Championships moments was played on the Daegu stadium's giant screen.
I was filled with emotions as I thought about the past here in the Daegu Stadium.
Then, Mayor of Daegu Metropolitan City/Co-president of the Organizing Committee, Kim Bum-Il and Lamine Diack IAAF president came on the stage and gave a closing speech.
The Prime Minister of South Korea, Kim Hwang-sik declared the close of the Championships and the IAAF World Championships Daegu 2011 came to an end.
The traditional handover of the IAAF flag to Moscow 2013, the next hosts of the IAAF World Championships, followed the closing declaration.
Next, crossover artist Moon-Hee Shin sang "Beautiful Country" passionately.
The white scraps of paper were fluttering down inside the stadium.
Then, it's all over now.
Once again, thank you all for making such a wonderful World Championships in Daegu during the nine days.
Fantastic blog! I've really enjoyed going through and reliving all the highlights from Daegu 2011, it looked really good!
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Thanks for your time and I hope to see yo return to blogging soon!
All the best,